Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sittin' On Saturday

I'm enjoying my saturday! :). Well this week I'm having a "FAN COMMENT POST" *only one comment would be selected* 
 It's when someone (YOU) comments on this post about one idea (for example:firework katy perry or britney spears doing bad stuff). So yeah. Comment and you could be responsible for the next post :)!!!!!!!!
Soryy it was so short, it's saturday! It's my lazy day! :D

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nasty Nightmare

  My nightmare soon returned. She had once moved far away, out of my daily sightings. I don't see her anymore, which brought me the most peaceful dreams...Until she returns. She crawled back to my school. With her left eye, closely peeking at me. She grown much larger, two, maybe three times the size of me. Her voice deep like a man. She was the same age as me, I feel frightened. As if I heard that a tornado was coming, with her around, there probably is. I was more scared of her then big tests that I would soon fail. I was deeply scared and shocked to see her there, standing before me, repeating my name. She was my nightmare, and the big bully has returned back. :O

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Drama Days

 Well ayesha was at meh house today, horrah! It was fun 'nd superb. That's what I wanted to say. Well today was the first "CSAP day" so it was kinda of a drama day, since everyone was confused 'nd everythin'
Also, wanted to say that, people from facebook... Thx for checkin' up meh blog :).
 Have you ever heard the song, "Love the Way you Lie"? Well why would some1 luv ppl lyin'? Just saying. Well who knows, maybe the singer was...crazah (super crazy) that day? Sorry this is a short post :P. Bah-Bye :D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Judgin' The Team

 Just wanted to say "hi" to some of my good friends, these arent all my super friendzz but these are the friendzz I gave this blog's URL to.  SO HHHHHHIIIIIIIIII (whoa! :P) Guille, Hepsi (i tink :P) , Trienty, and otherzz (if forgotten)!! So this is a BORIN' post, but whateves :). As u notice, I'm very very hyper (active?) today :O. Lotzz of my friendzz say it. OMG, I keep adding 2 zz's in front of a couple of wordzz (did it again :P) maybe this blog should be called DOUBLEZZS instead of DOUBLEXXS. Ya know what I mean? Ya sure :|?
 Now lets start with the "theme" of today's post: UNFAIRNESS JUDGIN'!!! :O :O :O :O
 Well as you probably noticed already (if haven't......*sigh*) the tittle of this post is 'Judgin' The Team' because today was D.I (destanatiion Imagination) I wish I haven't joined it, my friend (Wajia) bugged me to go, so I did and now I'm stuck on the team...
 ANyways it was practice judging and the judge was the drama teacher, well more like the head of the judges. We made a creative play in 3 minutes and I thought it wazz awesome!! But she's like, nooooo it wasnt soo creative. We did something that no one thought of before. SO WHAT NOW?  *deep breath* So it was unfair judgement... Remember that even though someone thinks ur havent done enough but u did ur best, u at least pleased urself. Maybe the teacher, parent, friend, or watever, didn't think it was as great as u thought, but at least u did ur best and u thought it was truely amazin'. Cuz' they didn't do the hard work, they didn't think of ur ideas. So relax and DONT TALK BACK (rhymes :P)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Takin' Down The Test

 Well as you all should know, it's March. Which means the big tests are going around around all of the country and YOU have to take them :(. This test is big, but in each state they have different names for them. In my state they call 'em CSAP. Well this test is halfly (if thats a word) for to determined what classes you should be in next year. The other half is because Obama could tell the country (including the other countries) that we are bad in math or science or reading and bunch of those other stuff. This test could also be used for giving teachers a break and to let teachers see their students struggle, ya cruel, right?
 There's also another horrible things like: going to bed early, no phones, no talking (including gossiping), and none in between. So one word for you, Good Luck, wait thats two words..... :/ Well, two words or billions of words, GOOD LUCK PPLZ

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bored Like Buckets

 Well I'm bored like buckets. I'm serous. I mean what do buckets do? They just sit around and sometimes people pour water in them or even sand when there at the beach. They can't go on blogspot or on facebook or anything. They sit around and get stuff poured in them then pour things out of them. Which is a boring life.
 Well my life is boring like a bucket, well I don't really have a boring life I'm just bored. So I'm on tinychat (FB) and I was chatting with some unknown friends. Well I know them but not that much. I was watching Big Time Rush until my mom wanted my laptop to type on word (my laptop is the only computer that has Word on it) so I'm now using my big brother's computer and to waste some time I'm on my unknown blog :) DOUBLEXXS

Friendly Friends

Friends are so important in our world. They help they heal us. BUT thats what they say in the older days now we say "we share makeup and she helps me pick out clothes" or maybe even "she tells me the news around school and if she wasn't my friend i wouldn't be popular!!"
 They basically mean the same thing, kind of. Well my friends made me more open, more friendly, more social then ever before. Which is a good thing since I used to be quiet a lot. This pic is me (right) and my friend, Wajia (left). The person who took the pic, Guille, are one of my great friends. They're were also Hepzibah and Anna in the back, standing by Guille.
Guille (GEE-YAH)
Wajia (WAH-GEE-UH)
Anna (AH-NUH)
Hepzibah (HEH-PE-ZEE-BAH)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Justin Bieber?

I'm no fan of his, but lots and I mean LOTSSS of other girls are. Why should I talk about this....person? I am because I heard his Bday was a couple days ago, hope he got no good presents!
 I dont wanna be mean but his voice is kind of....high...for his age.... Anyways I also heard of "BIEBER FEVER" and found out that a some people hav found cures, which also means tat justin bieber is starting to get OLD or OUT OF STYLE. Still lots of gals still hav this....DISEASE. Hopefully its not spreading but reducing, hopefully .in 56 years every1 would forget him, even old subs that remember micheal jackson when he was 20NO OFFENCE PPLZZ TO ANYONE OR THING IF WERE DESCRIBING JUSTIN BIEBER....jk. 


About Me

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I luv parodies and I am a facebook addict. Team Jacob and I'm NOT a fan of justin bieber, not even in a million years :O Nickname=SIMSIMS